About LP Devs
Hi, I am Pham Van Lam (LP Devs). I come from Viet Nam. I am a developer and a blogger. I create this website to share all my projects and all experiences about programming.
My native language is Vietnamese. Therefore, writing a blog using English is quite confusing me. Although, I decide to use English for this blog. I want to share my experiences to all people in the world. So I will try my best and hope my english skills will be better soon.
My android applications:
My web applications:
- Vietnamese Dictionary
- Select to translate English to Vietnamese (Chrome Extension)
- Calendar
- Pick color (from image)
My websites:
- LP Devs Blog
- LP Devs Herokuapp
- Pham Van Lam (Vietnamese Only)
My youtube channels:
My facebook fanpages:
I am going to update this blog more and more. So if you have some questions to ask me, or some ideas to share, feel free to email me.
Email: lampv606@gmail.com
Thank you
LP Devs