How to use git with some basic commands
Basic commands
- Init: create a new repository
git init
- Clone: clone a repository
- Clone a repository in local:
git clone /path/to/repository/
- Clone a repository in server:
git clone username@serveraddress:/path/to/repository
- Clone a repository in local:
- Branch:
- Check the current branch:
git branch
- Create a new branch:
git branch <name_branch>
- Check the current branch:
- Check out:
- Check out an existing branch:
git checkout <name_branch>
- Create a new branch and check it out:
git checkout -b <name_branch>
- Return to master branch:
git checkout master
- Check out an existing branch:
- Add: update a state (add, edit, delete) of files
- Update all:
git add .
- Update files with a format
git add *.<suffix>
- Update files with their names
git add <name_file_1> [<name_file_2> ... <name_file_n>]
- Update all:
- Commit: Confirm and save the modifing of the project
git commit -am '<note>'
- Push: Update the modifing of project on server
- The branch exists
git push origin <name_branch>
- The branch doesn’t exist
git remote add origin <server> git push origin <name_branch>
- The branch exists
- Fetch: Get the latest code on server and overwrite the source on local
git fetch <name_branch>
- Pull: Get the latest code on server and merge with the code on local
git pull <name_branch>
Thanks for reading. If you have some questions, feel free to ask me.
LP Devs.